Doja Cat, the energetic popstar, rose to popularity at the age of 17 with her song “So High” released on Soundcloud in 2012. As of today, (9/29/23) the song has 232,378,682 streams on Spotify, which isn’t even close to her top song “Kiss me More” which has reached 1,628,028,871 streams. She quickly rose the charts and became a sensation around the world. Recently though, things for the star have been on the decline with many calling her a “PR nightmare” with her recent behavior, which includes being rude to her fans, causing her to lose thousands of followers. Doja Cat hasn’t been able to stay out of online drama. Let’s break it down.
In May, she called her fans out for listening to her last two albums which she refers to as “cash grabs” that her fans “fell for”. The tweet read, “planet her and hot pink were cash-grabs and y’all fell for it. Now I can go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved ones on an island while y’all weep for mediocre pop.” Many fans took offense to this because they had loved this music and the musician.
As well, near the end of July this year, the rapper posted a string of tweets that have since been deleted, calling out her fans. The tweets read, “My fans don’t get to name themselves s***. If you call yourself a ‘Kitten’ or f****** ‘Kittenz’ that means you need to get off your phone and get a job and help your parents with the house.” This tweet had a very negative impact especially after saying in another tweet that she doesn’t love her fans because she “don’t even know y’all.”
This ridicule of her biggest supporters didn’t end well for the musician, she ended up losing half a million followers due to her behavior. But, this didn’t seem to get her down because in the aftermath she said she felt “free” and that she feels like she’s “defeated a large beast.”
From telling fans some of her albums were a “cash grab”, to telling her supporters to get a job, Doja Cat has angered many. I believe that these were just attempts to capture the media’s attention and have the spotlight on her. She had a new album coming out in September, and I think she wanted as many eyes on her as she could.