The long-awaited sequel, “Joker: Folie a Deux,” directed by Todd Phillips, has finally made its way to theaters after 2019’s Joker release. The movie takes viewers through failed comedian Arthur Fleck’s (Joaquin Phoenix) chaotic and messy mind as the Joker, this time blending his psychological world with musical elements.
Joker ends with Arthur being caught murdering five people and sent to Arkham State Hospital in Gotham City, which is where the sequel takes place. The title, Folie à Deux translates to “madness for two” as Arthur meets Lee Quinzel, (Lady Gaga), better known as Harley Quinn, where they bond over various insane crimes they have committed
Throughout the film, the line between reality and delusion blurs as Arthur struggles with his dual identities. Viewers are left questioning what scenes are Arthur’s delusions. Phoenix does an excellent portrayal of the Joker and looks truly mad. The film flips between Arthur’s dark, eerie reality in the asylum, to Joker’s colorful, twisted life with Lee; it’s hard to determine what’s real.
Though Arthur is found guilty of murder, people take his side, thinking the blame lies with his schizophrenic second identity. The final scenes leave viewers confused and stunned having to mentally process what happens to Arthur.
The musical aspect of it was interesting, considering that Gaga plays a large role, but it certainly could have done without it. Some of the songs in certain scenes felt repetitive and forced, not exactly fitting the mood of the film. Margo Robbie as Harley Quinn in movies like Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) and The Suicide Squad makes a crazier Harley Quinn then Gaga as she looks tame next to Phoenix.
In all, the movie was well thought out and does an excellent job of showing how the Joker feels inside and out. The first movie and the sequel rivaled one another with stretched storylines feeling how real and raw they felt, but if you like a head-spinning thriller, then this one’s for you.