I don’t have enough time or words to explain the impact Ms. F. has made in my life but let me do my best to sum it up. I think we can all agree that Ms. F. is so much more than just a band teacher. She cares about and loves all of us so much. She is so much more than just a teacher, and to a lot of us is like a second mom. Ms. F. always tells us that every person counts in the band and is not replaceable. She’s right. And she is not replaceable and never could be.
Even though her job is being replaced, no one could ever replace the places in our hearts where we keep Ms F. Without her, this program would not be what it is today. She started growing this program in 2017 with less than 15 students in the entire marching band. And now we are at more than 30 students, an amazing staff, and one incredible and irreplaceable director.
In the 4 years I’ve been with Ms. F. she has pushed me to be the best I can be and has believed in me so much. She has yelled at me about my grades, pushed me to do drumline, makes fun of me for my cats, and made the best phone call home she has ever had to make. I’m sorry Ms. F. but you won’t get another call home like that. I wish you the absolute best at your new job, marriage, and starting a family.
Love, Izlynn (ELVB Woodwind Captain)