New senior class president Riley Walsh approaches the position with humility and teamwork
“What I like about high school is that everyone has something they’re passionate about and they all go for it, no
matter what it is.”
Riley Walsh is a twin, an athlete, and a leader. As a member of the class of 2022, he decided to try and add “Class President” to the list. And he succeeded. Walsh ran on the philosophy of teamwork and collaboration. Instead of
making a speech about himself and his accomplishments, Walsh said he “rattled off people’s names and what they’re good at” to promote the idea that everyone has something to contribute to the class. It was this decision that may have tipped the scale in his favor and won him the class presidency.
“I’m good at bringing talented people together and I’m not afraid to be vulnerable and admit when I’m wrong,”
Walsh said.
He hopes to strengthen the class by incorporating the views of the entire population and being a listener.
“My role isn’t all going to fall on me. I’m going to look to everyone else for help and I’m not going to make decisions on my own,” said Walsh. “I’m going to represent other people, not just be a one man show.”
Walsh’s goals for the year are having a successful class trip, a great prom, monthly social events, and winning Spirit Week.