Admin Takes on 2022-2023

Q&A with the school administration for this school year

Principal Deb Kelly

Viking Saga: If you had to use a single word to describe the theme of this year and everything you hope it becomes, what would it be?

DK: Community. I believe that a community is a group of people who are working together toward a common goal by developing positive relationships with each other, fully participating in the work and fun of the community, and showing empathy and mutual respect toward one another. If we work hard, look out for each other, and are kind to one another, we will all be able to do our best work, and we will have a positive, successful year.

Assistant Principal Henry Kydd

VS: What advice would you give to any uncertain staff members?

HK: Teachers who have survived teaching during the era of 2019-2022 can do anything. They are my heroes. Overnight their craft dramatically changed, and they had to adapt and shift multiple times to continue trying to make school work in the face of so much uncertainty. I don’t blame any teacher for feeling uncertain, but I am confident they can do anything and are going to CRUSH this school year.

Assistant Principal Julie Shvetz

VS: How do you hope students and the community grow this year?

JS: Last school year we made incredible progress towards our district goal surrounding equity and inclusion. Students were able to use their voices and ideas to start changing the mindsets of both staff and students, providing multiple student-led educational experiences throughout the year. We started the conversation of what it means to be an upstander and we would like to continue that work this year. There will be opportunities for students to join our school-based groups this year to continue the important work of equity and inclusion in our school community.