The long-awaited sequel, “Joker: Folie a Deux,” directed by Todd Phillips, has finally made its way to theaters after 2019’s Joker release. The movie takes viewers through failed comedian Arthur...
Do not be discouraged by “Intermezzo’s” complete lack of quotation marks, for Sally Rooney’s latest novel is a wonder: a precise masterwork of hyper-simplified grammar and laser-focused prose which,...
The bright stage lights are nothing compared to the radiant glow on the actors’ faces as they passionately recite lines to their dream role. This passion carries out into the audience and suddenly a...
In 1839, the town of East Lyme was founded, and since then the town has developed into the bustling attraction it is today. The town’s long history brought with it many historic sites, and with those...
The crowd settles into the packed theater, the lights dim, and the piano from the song plays its last note; the projector turns on, and familiar faces begin to flash across the screen.
ELHS students...
“Cardigan” by Taylor Swift
The entire “Folklore” album reminds me of autumn, but “Cardigan” is one of my personal favorite songs from the album. It’s melancholic and emotional while also...
1.) Watch a scary movie marathon with friends, including must-watch classics like “Saw” or “Scream”
2.) Get matching Halloween pajamas. I highly recommend a candy-corn pattern.
3.)Bake spooky...
Senior and stage manager of the ELHS Drama Club Paloma Vazquez was recognized for her impressive efforts in the arts at the 2024 Halo Awards, back in May. From creating 3-D art, to making unique set designs...
With already two state championships under her belt for public speaking, Emma Frisbie is no stranger to the spotlight.
Frisbie started competing in public speaking at the young age of 6, helping her...
Ignoring the “incident” that was the April Fool’s album review, I’m glad to be back to my old self and listening to music that’s more my style. The definition of which, however, is still vague...
March is an unusually busy month for me.
On top of the usual chaos school brings, my two younger brothers’ birthdays take place on the 17th and 18th, and much like me, they both enjoy music from decades...
William Brent Bell’s ‘The Boy’ (2016)
This movie got 4 stars from me for its disturbing nature and play on a common fear that the viewer might not expect. This movie takes place in England, following...