All content by JORDYN SKINNER
With a strong passion for helping people, Sheryl Shyloski has found the perfect job for herself as ELHS’s new psychologist.
“My understanding is they are looking to increase mental health support...For...
“On a day where you wake up and things aren’t feeling good, you should always feel comfortable walking into school and talking with a counselor, teacher, or someone you trust,” new ELHS psychologist...
Last year, math teacher Stephanie Sojkowski and her family’s lives had changed forever when a driver under the influence crossed the double yellow lines and struck their car head on.
“The recovery...
D1 or bust:
The Saga asked ELHS alumni turned D1 athletes why they chose the route they did. Here’s what they said.
“I was looking for a school that matched my goals for major academics while...
Football: a Closer Look
“Honestly, when we do well and win, the kids trust each other,” head coach of the East Lyme football team, Rudy Bagos said. EL football has an astonishing season going with...
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