Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon! Edition 11 is coming soon!
Born and raised in East Lyme, custodian Frank Burdick has been working throughout the East Lyme district since the 2000s. He is one of the custodians that helps make the commons once again a place where...
Coach Kleine: ELHS’s New Head Football Coach
“The group is engaged…this is something they want to be a part of, and their excitement is contagious,” new head ELHS football coach Tom Kleine said.
There cannot be a Disney movie about high school without prom. And what teen doesn’t envision a Disney movie experience when picturing prom?
Then reality comes. In the movies, kids spend hours (and...
Typically, integration between the EL schools is rare to see. However, Feb. 9 marked something different as members of the ELHS Cultural Awareness Club visited ELMS to present issues of microaggressions...
Waterford is the fourth town in Connecticut to have an FCA program along with their standard team. If you happen to be religious, what you see in church is a stark contrast to what you see on the playing...
“On a day where you wake up and things aren’t feeling good, you should always feel comfortable walking into school and talking with a counselor, teacher, or someone you trust,” new ELHS psychologist...
Heidi Bard:
When cafeteria staff member Heidi Bard isn’t at work, she can be found with a bow and arrow in her hand. Although students who get pizza see her every day, they probably don’t know how...
Oftentimes, students think that they’re either born with artistic ability or lack of it. However, these art students prove that with hard work and practice some truly amazing art can be created, and...
Picture yourself from elementary school: you were a lot shorter, you had baby teeth, and you got excited every time you saw a lollipop. That same kid that got excited over a lollipop was also excited for...